GENERAL INQUIRIES 780-459-1500 After Hours Trouble Calls 780-458-2020 St. Albert Place, 5 St. Anne Street Hours: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Monday to Friday Fax: 780-460-2394 Cultivate Life EMERGENCY ONLY POLICE-FIRE-AMBULANCE 9-1-1 Accounts Receivabl.. 780-459-1523 Human Resources.. Animal Control 780-458-7700 Library 780-459-1530 ..780-459-1603 Little White School & Heritage Sites.780-459-4404 Business Licensig Economic Development, ..780-459-1618 Mayor's Office. Musée Héritage Museu 29 Sir Winston Churchill Avenu.78-459-163 Planning and Engineering Bylaw/Municipal Enforcement City Manager. Council Information.... Community & Protective Services. 780-459-1600 .780-459-1528 780-459-1654 780-459-1557 780-458-7700 .780-418-6644 Municipal Enforcement (M.E.S.) Complaint Line...780-458-7700 780-418-6643 Public Works. 780-459-1607 RCMP Non Emergency 780-459-1500 Alarm Permits & Invoices. 780-418-6088 .780-459-1553 Servus Credit Union Place Fountain Park/Woodlands Water Play Par. Grosvenor Poo.780-458-2002 T Facility Bookings & Informatio780-459-1575 Theatre, Arden Theatre .780-418-6088 axation...780-459-1516 .780-459-1542 .780-418-6060 780-459-1520 ..780-418-6069 Water and Waste Wise Billing780-459-1520 Licensin Community & Social Development. .780-418-6644 Transit ..780-459-1756 Utilities Department.. Grain Elevator Park & Train Station.. 780-419-7354 New Accounts